



这是国防部的电脑系统. 本电脑系统包括所有 related equipment, networks and network devices (specifically including Internet access), 只提供给授权的美国.S. 政府使用. 国防部计算机系统可能是 monitored for all lawful purposes, including to ensure that their use is authorized, for management of the system, to facilitate protection against unauthorized access, and to verify security procedures, survivability, and operational security. 监控 includes active attacks by authorized DoD entities to test or verify the security 这个系统的. 在监视过程中,信息可以被检查、记录、复制、 并且用于授权的目的. 所有信息,包括个人信息, 放置在该系统上或通过该系统发送可能会被监视. 使用国防部计算机系统, authorized or unauthorized, constitutes consent to monitoring 这个系统的. 未经授权的 使用可能会使你受到刑事起诉. 收集了未经授权使用的证据 during monitoring may be used for administrative, criminal, or other adverse action. Use 这个系统的 constitutes consent to monitoring for these purposes.

Do not transmit classified information over unsecured telecommunications systems. Official DoD telecommunications systems are subject to monitoring. 使用国防部电讯 系统构成对监测的同意.

The views expressed are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy 美国九游会国际(九游会国际.S. 空军,部 美国国防部,或称美国国防部.S. 政府.


The purpose of this website is to share information about 空军后备军官训练队 Detachment 432 with current and potential cadets, as well as any other individuals interested in learning more about the AFROTC program at 九游会国际.


The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Program is mandated by Congress and applies 致所有政府机构. 该项目允许公众索取信息 关于一个机构的职能、实践和未来计划的. 任何人都可以要求 根据《九游会国际》记录. 公开披露是强制性的,除非根据标题豁免 5 U.S.C. 552. In accordance with the Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments 1996年的《九游会国际》规定,各机构有20个工作日的时间对《九游会国际》的要求作出回应. 一般来说, the 空军 will not deliver unofficial mass mailings addressed to individuals at 他们的职责地址.


This 空军后备军官训练队 Detachment 432 Website is provided as a public service by The 九游会国际. 432支队网站上提供的信息 is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. 适当的使用 要求署名/照片/图像学分. 有关访客的信息,使用此 site is collected for analytical and statistical purposes, such as assessing what information is of most and least interest, determining technical design specifications, 识别系统性能或问题区域. 为了网站安全的目的和 to ensure that this service remains available to all users, this government computer system employs software programs to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage. 原始数据日志 will only be used to identify individual users and their usage habits for authorized 执法调查或国家安全目的. 这些日志是预定的 for regular destruction in accordance with the 空军 Web-RIMS RDS located 在这里. 未经授权的 attempts to deny service, upload information, alter information, or attempt to access a non-public site from this service are strictly prohibited and 可能会导致根据美国宪法第18条的刑事起诉.S.C.,第1030条; 国家信息基础设施保护法或其他适用的刑法. 如果你有任何问题或意见 这里提供的信息,请发送给他们 在这里.

Depending upon the requestor’s method of network connection, the host name (or IP 地址)可能会也可能不会识别特定的计算机. 通过许多isp连接 assign different IP addresses for each session, so the host name identifies only the ISP. The host name (or IP address) identifies a specific computer if the computer 使用固定IP地址.

The 空军后备军官训练队 Detachment 432 Website does use session cookies, i.e.,标志着 remain active only until you close your browser, in order to (make the site easier 供您使用). No database of information obtained from these cookies is kept, and when you close your browser, the cookie is deleted from your computer. 的AFROTC Detachment 432 Website uses cookies in the following ways: to save time in filling out forms, to maintain a relationship between the image and the correct link. 你 can choose not to accept these cookies and still use the site, but you may need to enter the same information repeatedly and clicking on the banners will not take you 转到正确的页面. 浏览器软件中的帮助信息应该提供 您将获得有关如何禁用cookie的说明.

为 site management, information is collected for analytical and statistical purposes. This government computer system uses software programs to create summary statistics, which are used for such purposes as assessing what information is of most and least interest, determining technical design specifications, and identifying system performance 或者问题所在.

The Privacy Act gives individuals rights with respect to the government's maintenance 以及使用收集到的关于他们的信息. 有关这些权利的信息,请 请点击 在这里 被引导到 空军隐私法 政策及系统通告.


To support the widest possible user base (Unix, Macintosh, and Windows), the Detachment 432 Website provides numerous documents and factsheets in PDF format through Adobe 杂技演员. The Adobe 杂技演员 viewer is available free of charge for Unix, Macintosh, 和Windows平台.

If you do not have Adobe 杂技演员, you must download the viewer from the Adobe 杂技演员 以访问这些项目.

Consistent with 空军后备军官训练队 regulations, some items must be removed from provided 在互联网上发布之前的文件. 这个信息将被替换为短语 “经编辑以供网上张贴”. 请问您需要查看未编辑的文件吗 与部门联络: afrotcFREEgroups.密西西比州.


The appearance of hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the United States 空军, the Defense Technical Information Center, or the Department of Defense of this Web site, or the information, products or services contained t在这里in. 为 other than authorized activities such as military exchanges and morale, welfare and recreation sites, the United States 空军 does not exercise any editorial control 你可以在这些地方找到的信息. 所提供的这些链接是一致的 符合本网站所述的目的.


如果你有任何问题或意见 information presented 在这里, please 送他们 在这里.


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